Intimidating life and how to cope with it

It is sometimes difficult for us to go with the flow and accept things as they are. No one asks for the pain or trials. I never asked for any of that, yet I found myself standing amid massive, unrelenting waves; waves that threatened to consume me and abandon my corpse on the shore. What helped, though? Self-discovery, I would say. Things get worse when we find ourselves at the mercy of others. Hence, self-discovery is crucial.

How can you make your life better? 

Encountering new souls gets difficult. Answering their questions gets difficult. Life, in general, gets difficult. How many years do we have on earth, though? 50, 60 or 70 perhaps? Is it acceptable or fair to waste 50 years on something that caused you pain for a few? Life, for me, is an endless ocean. The ocean looks utterly stunning when you're standing on the shore. However, it looks ugly when you find yourself amid unyielding waves. Find yourself a boat. A boat that can take you to the shore so you can find a haven. Is it hard to find a shelter amid all the chaos? Yes, it is. I tried and found myself getting lost several times. However, I have a firm belief that things will ultimately work out. Hence, I have decided to continue my journey. A friend at work often urges me to seek 'my' happy ending. 

Why do we need friends? 

Friends are a necessity. We often meet people that bring us down and make us feel insignificant. Such individuals do not deserve to stay in your life. Find people that can make you feel happy and powerful. It sometimes gets difficult to find people that can help or guide you. I found some interesting souls that helped me grow as an individual. I never looked for them, but they found me on this beautiful journey. Will I cherish them forever? Yes, I will. They helped me when I was at my lowest and was surrounded by stifling darkness. I do not own many friends, but the ones I have are exceptional. I met some at work, while the rest I met during my school/college days. Choose your comrades wisely, for they own the power to change you and your thinking process.

Do what you love the most. 

Life gets hard when we cease trying. Each individual is blessed with a superpower. Have you been able to recognise yours as yet? It took me years to understand my worth and strength. I feel that I am good with the words. Try and find your power so you can attain happiness. This is my simple recipe of happiness. As stated above, I could not find my way out even though I wanted to escape. Things have gotten better, and I have become more hopeful. 

I would like to share one of my favourite verses of the Quran: 

Verily, with every difficulty, there is relief.


That's all for now. See you next time!

Farah :)


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